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How to use CCcam / OScam

When you buy CCcam / OScam from us , the delivery is instant .<br /> Test line is available for 48 hours after delivery .<br /> The C-Line or OScam Reader config is inserted in specific receivers that have this option available.<br /> You can find out about what receiver you need at the post below.<br /> You need a satellite dish connected to a receiver able to support CCcam or OScam.<br /> The receiver needs to be connected to internet via cable but the internet speed does not need to be high .<br /> Once the CCcam line or OScam Reader Config is inserted in the receiver , the channels will be seen with no interruptions .

  • We Recommend using OScam instead of CCcam if possible because you can get more channels and more stable .
  • We recommend always using the latest update of either CCcam or OScam , those updates are available to download in our website , along with instructions .

What receiver do i need for CCcam / OScam

The receiver you need can vary from very cheap to somewhat expensive .<br /> We recommend getting a Zgemma , Dreambox or VU + receiver , because they are able to support OScam , CCcam and IPTV , and also a satellite dish with multi-tuner .<br /> You can always get a cheaper receiver like AMIKO or GT-Media or OpenBox , but they only support CCcam.

  • The receiver may come with Softcam preinstalled like CCcam or OScam , but if it does not , we will include instructions to install it yourself or if you are already a customer of ours , we will do it for you for no extra cost .
  • You will also need an image (operating system) , it is very easy to install and we will also include instructions for that .<br /> The images we recommend are BlackHole , OPENATV , OPEN-PLI , VTI .<br /> We will include links to download the latest version of those images in our website .

How to install CCcam or OScam

-How to install OScam Modern on BlackHole :<br /> First you will need a software to connect to your receiver like WINSCP which can be downloaded here : https://2short.pro/EqSiZ<br /> Launch WINSCP<br /> File protocol: FTP<br /> Hot name: 192.168.1.xx (ip address of your receiver) you can find the ip of your receiver in the network settings in your receiver menu .<br /> User name: root<br /> Password: “empty” by default the root password in BlackHole is empty (no password)<br /> Then click Login.<br /> After this you will need OScam latest ipk which can be downloaded here : https://2short.pro/KyCCf<br /> Select the ipk file and drag between the two windows to the /tmp folder.<br /> Press Green button to launch Black Hole Green Pannel<br /> Next press the yellow button on the remote.<br /> Choose Manually install ipk package.<br /> Choose the ipk and press OK<br /> Choose YES<br /> Press OK to complete the installation, the GUI will restart, it will take a few seconds.

  • After restarting your receiver , press the blue button and go to Softcam menu<br /> After opening Softcam menu choose the oscam emu installed before .
  • The second part is to install the received lines in your receiver which will be included in the other tutorial below .

How to install OScam on OpenATV 7.1

-How to install OScam on OpenATV 7.1 :<br /> First you will need a software to connect to your receiver like WINSCP which can be downloaded here : https://2short.pro/EqSiZ<br /> Launch WINSCP<br /> File protocol: FTP<br /> Hot name: 192.168.1.xx (ip address of your receiver) you can find the ip of your receiver in the network settings in your receiver menu .<br /> User name: root<br /> Password: “empty” by default the root password in OPENATV is empty (no password)<br /> Then click Login.<br /> After this you will need OScam latest ipk which can be downloaded here : https://2short.pro/KyCCf<br /> Select the ipk file and drag between the two windows to the /tmp folder.<br /> Press Green button to launch Black Hole Green Panel<br /> Next press the yellow button on the remote.<br /> Choose Manually install ipk package.<br /> Choose the ipk and press OK<br /> Choose YES<br /> Press OK to complete the installation, the GUI will restart, it will take a few seconds.

  • After restarting your receiver , press the blue button and go to Softcam menu<br /> After opening Softcam menu choose the oscam emu installed before .
  • The second part is to install the received lines in your receiver which will be included in the other tutorial below .

How to insert the OScam Reader Config in your receiver .

If the image and OScam is installed correctly , open the WINSCP App in your computer which is connected to the same internet as your receiver and use the login details from the previous tutorials .<br /> Open folder /etc then folder tuxbox then folder config .<br /> If the OScam emu is installed correctly , you will find the other documents inside like OScam.server OScam.conf etc , you will only need to edit these 2 in order to connect to our service .<br /> Copy the subscription details you received in your e-mail from us and paste it at the bottom of OScam.server , click save or CTRL + S and restart the softcam from the blue menu or make a full restart of your receiver .<br /> This is all you will need .

  • Always make sure to copy the config correctly .
  • You can also get the config for folder OScam.conf for better stability which can be found here : https://2short.pro/TacUW